Sitemap - 2021 - Coffee and Rakija

Another December Video from the Village

🎄Čardačani in December🤶

I'm Going Nowhere - Ne idem nigdje

How to get your English copy of "50 Top Locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina"

Medlars - Mušmula

Čardačani in November

Fasting for Serbian Christmas - Božićni post

Nonsense - Bez Veze

The Flight of the Wild Geese - Let divljih gusaka

Basketball - Košarka

90 in 180 Days

Nostalgia - nostalgija

Pickled Cabbage - Kiseli Kupus

Zimnica - Winter Food

☔️ Where's the umbrella - Gdje je kišobran?

Why Do People “Fly Tip” in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

A visit to the Vets - Kod veterinara

A Long Overdue Podcast Catch Up

How to Make a Perfect Non Slimy Oat Milk

Cornelian Cherries - Drenjak

Čardačani in September

Wheeling and Dealing - Mućke

Triple Egg and Chips - Tri jajeta na oko i pomfrit

" Sweet Figs! Like Someone Else's Wife" - "Slatke smokve, kao tuđe žene"

Old Socialist Buildings in Neum

Fish Soup - Riblija Čorba

A Drive from Slatina to Čardačani

Making Friends - Sprijateljiti se

50 Top Locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Lendrin Eko Mlin.

From Brooklyn to Banja Luka

Getting Cooler - Postaje sve hladnije

Podcasting and Storytelling in Bosnia

Messing About Near The River near Banja Luka

Coffee Bars and Goldsmiths Shops

Queueing - Čekanje u redu

Innovative Slow Tourism

Getting “Stitched Up”


Learning about my Neighbours.

It's getting cooler - Postaje sve hladnije -

After the Storm

Making Argentinian Mate in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Extreme Weather - Ekstremno vrijeme

The Baker - Pekara

Folklore Dancing from Piskavica.

Step by Step - Korak po korak

Dajaks - The Gondolas of Banja Luka

Bol u srcu - Heartache

Our Cherry Harvest

Ivy Šibinčić - From an island off the Philippines to a small village in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Salon Stripa - Laktaši 2021

Old Houses in Banja Luka

Život je dobar - Life is Good.

An Argentinian in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kod doktora - Visiting the Doctors

Čekanje u redu - Queuing

Put naprijed - The Way Forward

My Easters in 2021 - (Yes I get Two of Them)

Travelling Differently with Hubert Nijmeijer

Je li to plavo nebo? Are those Blue Skies?

From Dayton to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Depresivno Vrijeme - Depressing Weather.

Getting Vaccinated Against COVID-19

The Fruit Trees are Blossoming

Location - Location - Location

Talking to Tom Beck about "Goodbye Britain"

A Spring Afternoon Walk in Čardačani

International Women's Day - Bosnia and Herzegovina

7 of Your Questions Answered

7 Questions and Answers about Bosnia and Herzegovina

Some Fun Facts from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Traditional Folklore Dancing in Bosnia and Herzegovina

How I am dealing with Social Media Overload and Toxicity

Our First Snow in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2021

Serbian Orthodox Christmas

Is Free Beer Really Good Beer?