Sep 26, 2021Liked by David Pejčinović-Bailey MBE

some call us expats, i so dont fit in the stats. younger gens would tell you fools n horses is just so funny ,nothing to do with socio-economics. generally anything British was always valued greatly at least in the circles i had known in exyu. Even the general director at the RTb1 since the '70 and creator of the most prominent shows remembered by all kids in exyu like Neven ,metla bez drske etc. until the end of his career was a Brit Timothy John Byford

hopes for a quick recovery to you two

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I heard about him I think. We're much better health wise at the moment. Bests to Paris :)

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by David Pejčinović-Bailey MBE

Hi David sorry you were ill, please take big care of yourself, not enough rakija maybe ha ha. The Trotters Van is now on a plynth outside a Hotel in Peckham on the main road, lovely sight to see. wishing you both all the best take care

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by David Pejčinović-Bailey MBE

What a delightful video. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by David Pejčinović-Bailey MBE

We used to watch this all the time - favourite episode is when they go to clean the chandeliers at a stately home 🙈🤣

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