The Times Are Changing - Vremena se mijenjaju
It was the 26 March last year that we started this email delivered blog, so it’s almost our first anniversary 😀.
Hello and welcome to this edition of our newsletter / Blog Post, from Čardačani, in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina, written by an immigrant (me), as I am neither a tourist or a citizen here.
What a Week (Again)
After publishing our last post I had no idea that this week would be so hectic.
Well, hectic for a retiree (read pensioner).
I have had some ideas for 2 projects that have been bubbling away in my mind, and, to be honest, I had been procrastinating about them for some time.
The “Bubble” has now “Burst”, and I am now starting meetings with potential partners.
Having this rush of passion about getting creative again has certainly lifted any remaining post COVID Clouds/Smog/Fog that was lingering around.
It certainly is rejuvinating.
Face to Face discussions took some getting used to, but now, it’s like COVID didn’t interfere (which of course it certainly did).
Add to all the above a trip back to the UK in early April, and plans underway for a trip to see my sister in The Netherlands as soon as things can be arranged, I am deffo not bored.
You’ll find out about the plans in upcoming posts.
Changing Times
It was the 26 March last year that we started this email delivered blog, so it’s almost our first anniversary 😀.
Back then, by the way, I didn’t think we would last 3 months let alone a year!
But we have! How Cool!
Apparently, consistency of publishing is a major foundation bock for a blog.
We have been publishing every Saturday at 0900 CET.
Having looked at the statistics for the blog, we are now making a slight change to the publishing day and also committing to Publishing a Podcast each week as well.
This post, therefore, is the first that appears in your inbox on a FRIDAY at 0900 CET
The Podcast will be published on TUESDAY, also at 0900 CET.
So, please check your inboxes or change notifications for those new times.
It’s time for Tree Pruning
Success in the Kitchen
And finally this week
This has been a short post this week, as there’s been so much going on.
Add to that, that we are getting unbelievably great (not just good) weather, it’s been quite the unexpected ride 😀.
We should be back to a “normalish” situation next week, if for no other reason that I’ll have time to get a new routine together
However, if you’re reading this for the first time, we hope you’re enjoying, and if you would like to support us, then maybe you can …
If you want to read back editions of the newsletter, listen to previous podcasts (we have quite an archive now), or catch other content, all this is available on the web interface, just like a regular blog.
Oh, and you can also share the newsletter with friends, relatives and colleagues using the button below.
Tamara and I appreciate your faithful readership, your comments, and your generosity!