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🇬🇧 Back Home - Vratio sam se kući 🇧🇦

Settling back into life in Čardačani.

Hello and welcome to this edition of our newsletter / Blog Post, from Čardačani, in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina, written by an immigrant (me), as I am neither a tourist or a citizen here.

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After being away in the UK for a little over a week, I am now back in the village and getting settled back in.

I enjoyed seeing my daughters and my grandchildren, it was a blast it really was.

Once again on descending into Zagreb Airport I really had that “I’m back home feeling” (although I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina). It is quite hard to articulate why that is.

Would you like me to make a video about that?

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I really did chill for the first day back.

I missed my routines why I was away. Are routines particular to people like me who are now getting old?

We have bought a new electric lawnmower, as our old one “gave up the ghost” while I was in England.

It’s a bit like IKEA if you know what I mean?

The mower has had its baptism already, and the smell of newly mown grass has been an appealing sensation for me.

I have had some VoiceOver work to complete too.


Tamara and I are spending time, crashed on the couch in the living room, with our menagerie of Dogs and Cats catching up with our YouTube subscriptions, especially the cooking channels from Azerbaijan.

We highly recommend these 2:

It’s Double Easter Time of year 🐣

This weekend is Easter for me and the following weekend, it will be Orthodox Easter. So be prepared for the next two posts to be a little heavy on Easter content.

David’s England Micro-Blog

If you missed my musings from the UK you can read them by clicking on the image.

And Finally

Thanks for reading this post. We hope it provides some value to you 😀👍

If you want to read back editions of the newsletter, listen to previous podcasts (we have quite an archive now), or catch other content, all this is available on the web interface, just like a regular blog.

Oh, and please share the newsletter with friends, relatives and colleagues using the button below.

Tamara and I appreciate your faithful readership, your comments, and your generosity! 


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Coffee and Rakija
Coffee and Rakija
David Pejčinović-Bailey MBE